
  • To provide a context and philosophy of care that enshrines all the best practices of care and all statutory and professional regulations in regard to providing care in a home setting.
  • To foster a community spirit within each of the homes by ensuring they are managed for the benefit of the residents.
  • To provide high quality care for individuals recovering from or living with severe mental health issues including the provision of meaningful individual and group activities that are social, occupational and recreational in nature.
  • To provide a home, a place of safety, not an institution or extension of a hospital, in which the individual is empowered to develop, grow and encouraged to make choices in the activities of their daily life and the environment they live within.
  • To provide the least restrictive environment for the resident and for the resident to feel they are safe.
  • To provide residential and supported accomodation for individuals covering the whole spectrum of adult life, so that residents can choose either to live out their whole lives within Eden Place’s different facilities or with support and encouragement move into more independent living accommodation.
  • To encourage residents to be active members of the local community.
  • To support residents in maintaining links with their family, social and community networks and to exercise their rights as a citizen.
  • To treat each resident as an individual with unique strengths and qualities. At all times to afford them respect, privacy and dignity. To encourage them to express their own beliefs and opinions. To respect the individual’s right to personal and private space at all times.
  • Residents are empowered to make decisions that enhance their personal development. Encouragement is given to each resident to live their lives as independently as possible.
  • For residents to have hopes and aspirations and for the staff, wherever realistically possible, to support, encourage and facilitate the resident in attempting to achieve these.